Friday, December 18, 2015


I finally arrived in Vietnam.

Last year I had to cancel this trip when life happened.  I knew that there was a variety of options for where to go for Christmas but ultimately I knew I would be closing a door by being able to make this trip.  Dad would have wanted it.   When I first came to China, my first trip was to Cambodia. I kept a bit quiet about this. Not because dad had fought in the war or anything, but because he had had many buddies who hadn't. After the trip he told me that he had never thought he'd have a daughter who would voluntarily go to Cambodia.

This time around it was him who suggested I should go to Vietnam during the trip last February that got cancelled. I felt that that was his okay that he was okay with it.

So I headed to the airport right after getting out of work yesterday and checked in along with a few colleagues.  We ate pizza at the airport for dinner and parted our ways.

Now I'm a believer in the rule of threes that things tend to happen in threes. First off: we had to take a bus to get to the plane, in what seemed to be the furthest area from the terminal. Second: once we landed we once again were taxi'd to have to take the bus to the terminal in what seemed to be the most remote area of the airport.  Third: once in the terminal the VOA computer had been down for 2 hours. Luckily I had paid for a fast track service but it still took longer than desired. Ugh.

Though on a touch of good news, all the info I had been reading said the visa was $45 USD, but I only had to pay $25 USD on arrival.

Finally got to my hotel around 11 PM last night and was asleep sometime after midnight. Big day exploring today. 

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