Monday, December 28, 2015

Hue and sick

Unfortunately will most likely just have one post for Hue. I've found myself sick with a cold. Last time I was this sick was when I was traveling around China this summer. I was sick for easily about 45 days then before I was able to get myself to the doctor. That was 45 days since the moment I started feeling off until the moment I started feeling better. 

I started off the 26th by going to the Hue Citadel. Unfortunately the citadel was largely destroyed between the two major 20th century wars: one where the French tried to reassert control and the Vietnam War. I have yet to get over how much was destroyed during the War. Mainly cultural stuff. I  have visited a few places now that were virtually destroyed by the Vietnam War and the bombing. 

 However, one thing that did make me happy was the fact that the Vietnamese government, in combination with other governments, are trying to rebuild the Citadel and reconstruct some of the things that were destroyed. Thankfully there are pictures of what it looked like in the past.
 By the time I finished walking around I was feeling rather crappy. It was like somebody had just turned off the lights. Achy and sore, I found some lunch and then returned to the hotel to sleep. And sleep I did until the next morning.

DMZ Tour

I had arranged to do a tour of the DMZ with a motorcycle tour. Probably not the best bet, but I couldn't have foreseen getting as sick as I did.  I was picked up and taken on the back of a motorcycle up to the DMZ with stops to see a Vietnamese soldier cemetery, and a bombed out church and citadel in Quang Tri.
 Then it was onto the Ben Hai River, and Vinh Moc Tunnels. Unfortunately since it was a motorcycle tour that's all we had time for. That was alright though, my butt was more than sore from that experience so I was glad to get some butt relief.

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